When the user explained that extrajudicial justice doesn't by default mean violence and expressed offense at the implication that it does mean violence, the moderator just banned them. A moderator warned them that it's against reddit's policies to call for violence. They suggested that it's time for extrajudicial justice if the system clearly isn't applying the laws equally across the board. I saw a POC user recently get banned from a lefty sub after an officer was found not guilty of a blatantly obvious assault that was caught on camera. Weak enforcement for white supremacists while POCs and allies have to be 10x more careful about what we do or post. Dolan said it didnt happen as he and Niall are still good friends and. Policy enforcement on social media is applied the way the law is in real life. Niall created his YouTube channel in 2013, but did not upload any videos until. Everything is fine and if it isn't, we have a system that allows people to file complaints which we take super seriously. They know what they are doing and it's fundamentally akin to what the wealthy have been doing since time immemorial. Largely unenforced, ineffective policies have confirmed to many bigots online that the rules don't apply to them.
I have a hard time believing that a tech giant as large as YouTube/Google/Alphabet can't develop an algorithm that can distinguish between alt-right and anti alt-right.Ī lot of tech corporations are enabling white supremacists to flourish on their platform.